Saturday, December 10, 2011


As long as you are not too old or too ill to walk, people will always measuring you by your achievements. This is especially true for people in their youth. Parents, teachers, society and the government love to gauge us scholastically, physically, socially, morally, and in whatever means they can think of. Thus, university examination become so important that many of us will study hours on end to perform well in them.  Actually the pressure on us to perform well at all times is great. The pressure from our family gets stronger the older we grow. Since we started schooling, our parents have been comparing our test results with those of the children of their friends’, who happen to be equally goal-oriented parents. In fact, since we were born, our parents have been comparing the ages at which we first started talking or walking, our kiddy IQ test result and such other traps for vainglory. If I were a piece of chicken, I’d consider myself “ Kentucky Fried , not because I was “ spicy  or “ original  but because I have been chopped into pieces, tenderized, pressure-cooked and well-fried.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011


As long as you are not too old or too ill to walk, people will always measuring you by your achievements. This is especially true for people in their youth. Parents, teachers, society and the government love to gauge us scholastically, physically, socially, morally, and in whatever means they can think of. Thus, university examination become so important that many of us will study hours on end to perform well in them.  Actually the pressure on us to perform well at all times is great. The pressure from our family gets stronger the older we grow. Since we started schooling, our parents have been comparing our test results with those of the children of their friends’, who happen to be equally goal-oriented parents. In fact, since we were born, our parents have been comparing the ages at which we first started talking or walking, our kiddy IQ test result and such other traps for vainglory. If I were a piece of chicken, I’d consider myself “ Kentucky Fried , not because I was “ spicy  or “ original  but because I have been chopped into pieces, tenderized, pressure-cooked and well-fried.

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